IMPORTANT NOTES TO ATTENDEES: More specific details for the event will come to you via email at a later date including any information related to safety guidelines, time and/or venue changes or updates. Please keep track of our social media and add info@tedxfarmingdale.com to your contact list in case we email you.
SAFETY GUIDELINES: We will be following Nassau County guidelines for schools/event venues at the time of the event. At the moment there are no masks required. Please be respectful of others at our event. Safety guidelines remain in-flux and we reserve the right to change policies as the ongoing situation evolves.
PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASING – ATTENDEE NAMES & ACCESSIBILITY NOTE: Once you purchase tickets you will receive an email link to a questionnaire page. On this page, please answer the questions regarding the need for:
- an ASL interpreter for the hearing impaired
- ADA compliant accessibility
- names of attendees for multi-ticket purchases
Please note that Farmingdale High School is ADA compliant. If you require ADA compliant access or have any accessibility questions, please contact us at info@tedxfarmingdale.com before purchasing tickets to discuss. If you require the need for early/prioritized seating for accessibility, please arrive during our 9:15-9:30am time slot and make your request at the registration table. General registration will open at 9:30am. We thank you for your patience as we work to create a more inclusive event.
Online ticket sales for this event are closed.